We are very proud to announce that Green4Good is now one of 597 organizations in North America to be accepted into the United Nations Global Compact! The UN Global Compact is a voluntary initiative based on CEO commitments to implement universal sustainability principles and to take steps to support UN goals. Furthermore, it is the world’s largest corporate sustainability initiative.
With the support of business and other stakeholders, the UN Global Compact’s governance framework was adopted by then UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan on 12 August 2005, following a year-long international process co-led by Georg Kell, then Executive Director of the UN Global Compact and Professor John Ruggie, then Special Advisor to the Secretary-General. That process included studying networked governance models of other cutting-edge global action and solution networks and holding focus groups with participants and stakeholders, including governments, local networks, and academics.
Green4Good is extremely honoured to now be globally recognized as an environmentally responsible business. Click here to learn more about The United Nations Global Compact