Compugen Finance Inc is now Carbon Neutral!

Compugen Finance Inc is now Carbon Neutral!

Compugen Finance is pleased to announce that we are the first Microsoft Authorized Reseller (MAR) to become a carbon neutral company!

How we did it:

Over the past few months, CFI has been working with a climate consultant to draw data from energy use, building occupancy, daily employee commute, and corporate air travel. Using these data points, we were able to calculate our carbon footprint for 2019 which amounted to 85.15 tonnes of CO2e emissions. This is equivalent to the emissions produced from 19 passenger vehicles driven for one year.

We are leveraging carbon credits which were self-generated through our IT asset disposition process that has put thousands of devices into reuse. By giving technology a second life, we reduce the demand for producing new devices thus avoiding their associated emissions generated through manufacturing and resource extraction processes. These carbon credits are registered and serialized as Verified Emissions Reductions/Removals (VERRs) with the CleanProjects® Registry, operated by the Canadian Standards Association. We are proud to be using these carbon credits as they are generated by directly reducing the carbon footprint of the IT industry. 

Taking climate action has been a long time passion of CEO Steve Glover who understands the link between business achievements and the environmental movement. “Businesses are starting to accept that we have a global climate change problem and executives are starting to be measured by their action,” says Steve.

Moving forward, we will continue to monitor and track our carbon emissions, and continue to offset them. We encourage our network of partners to join us in choosing to make our world more sustainable by taking climate action! If you would like to join the conversation about how you can reduce the climate impact of your business, don’t hesitate to reach out!