Compugen Finance’s 2021 United Nation’s Global Compact communication on progress showcases our strategy, actions and achievements. Read about it here:
CFI’s 2021 Communication on Progress – UN Global Compact
CFI has been a member of the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) since 2018. As a participant of the UNGC, we are committed to support progress towards the UN Sustainable Development Goals and align our strategies and operations with universal principles on human rights, labor, environment, and anti-corruption.
We’re proud to announce our continued commitment towards this progress. Our most recent UN Communication of Progress showcases how we’ve embedded the UN’s Ten Principles into our operations, as well as how we continue to provide business solutions guided by a triple bottom line approach. CFI’s services have always centered around helping businesses find economic opportunities by improving the quality of life for our communities, creating a positive impact for the environment and support our team members.